Here you can download the required forms in order to start your account set-up process. If you’re considering storing precious metals, jewelry, artifacts or any other type of tangible asset, please download our Account Application Form, complete the information and send it to us by e-mail or fax it to . Our customer support team will contact you shortly to discuss your situation and your needs.
If you need to perform a transaction with an existing account (deposit or withdrawal), please refer to our Deposit and Withdrawal Notice. Please complete the respective form, forward a copy to us and we will contact you regarding the requested operations. Don’t forget to include your Account Number.
With any other inquiries, for rates and conditions of custodial services, please contact our Customer Support Team and we will do our best to accommodate your need for additional information in regards to paperwork, requirements and procedures.
Call us at +60 00072 or send a request to
The form listed below requires Adobe® Acrobat Reader. To download the latest version of the software please click here.
Account Application Form
Complete our account application form and start storing today!